Professor Dr. Md. Mujibur Rahman Hawlader
Pro Vice Chancellor (Research & Development)
Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University
Contact Information:
Professor Dr. Md. Mujibur Rahman Hawlader
Pro Vice Chancellor (Research & Development)
Room: 123, Block: B
PABX: 4603, 4979
Fax: 88-02-55165606
Email: provc_rnd@bsmmu.edu.bd
PS to Pro Vice Chancellor (Research & Development):
PABX: 4559
Email: ps_provc_rnd@bsmmu.edu.bd
Professor Dr. Md. Mujibur Rahman Howlader, Professor of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU), has been appointed as the new Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research and Development) of the university. A notification signed by Mohammad Kamal Hossain, Deputy Secretary of the Health Education and Family Welfare Division of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, was issued on Thursday, 5 September 2024. The notification states that, with the approval of the Honourable President and Chancellor, Professor Dr. Md. Mujibur Rahman Howlader has been appointed to the vacant post of Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research and Development) of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University in accordance with Section 15(1) of the Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Act, 1998. His tenure as Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research and Development) will be 4 (four) years. The Business Standard Google News Keep updated, follow The Business Standard's Google news channel Professor Dr. Md. Mujibur Rahman Howlader is a renowned dental specialist and the first FCPS degree holder in the dental profession. He serves as the Co-Chairman of the Dentistry Faculty of the Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons (BCPS). A former student of Notre Dame College, Professor Dr. Howlader obtained his FDSRCPS (Glasgow) degree from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, UK. In his academic career, he has studied at the University of Southern California, USA, BCPS, Bangladesh, and Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University. Joining the BCS Health Cadre in his professional career, he served as the Head of the Dental Unit at Sir Salimullah Medical College, as well as Assistant Professor at the same medical college, Lecturer at Dhaka Dental College, and Assistant Professor at the Dental Unit of Chittagong Medical College. Professor Dr. Md. Mujibur Rahman Howlader has made an exceptional contribution to the field of education by serving as a three-time elected member and elected treasurer of the governing body of Viqarunnisa Noon School and College, one of the country's top and renowned educational institutions, with great reputation and efficiency.
Mujibur Rahman Howlader is a Professor at the Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, in Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) of Dhaka, Bangladesh and Pro Vice Chancellor (Research & Development) of the university. He is a high skilled renowned Endodontist with a FCPS degree in dental profession. He is also serving as Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons’ dentistry faculty co-chairman. Mujibur Rahman holds an FDSRCPS degree from the United Kingdom’s Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow. He served as head of the dental unit of Sir Salimullah Medical College, He was also three-time elected member of the governing body and elected treasurer of Viqarunnisa Noon School and College. Graduating from Dhaka Dental College, Dhaka University, Bangladesh, in 1989. His job was begun as an Assistant Dental Surgeon in 25th April 1994 in BCS Health Dental Cadre. Having completed an MS in Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics in 2003 and later, attained fellowship in Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, University of Glasgow, UK.
Involvement: Currently working as Professor of the Dept of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU). Managing Dental patients, involved in research activities and postgraduate training programs. Course coordinator of Fellowship in Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics. Reviewer of several national & international journals. Supervisor of more than 250 postgraduate students and author of 7 books “Bangladesh National Formulary (BDNF) - Dental Practitioners Formulary.”, “Oral & Dental Health Care.”, “Mother& Children’s Dental Care.”, ‘‘Systemic Diseases from Dental disease.”, “Dental Health Care of Medically Compromised Patients.”, ‘‘MOUKH O DATER SWASTIHA PARICHARJA.”
Awards: Physician's Recognition Award (1992) of the College of general Practitioners of Bangladesh in CME Course with 58 World Health organization (WHO) Credit hours. Physician's Recognition Award (1993) of the college of General practitioners of Bangladesh in the course of family Health & Medicine in Collaboration with Directorate of Health Services & World Health Organization (WHO) Bangladesh with 60 credit hours. Owned National Physicians Recognition Award 1993.
Member: A Lifetime Member of the Faculty of Surgery including Dental Surgery of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons (BCPS). Member of the Curriculum Review Committee of Fellowship Courses examination in Dental Surgery of BCPS.
Interest: Special interest in Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics and to serve the underprivileged Dental Patients in Bangladesh is his lifelong dream and final goal.
Father's Name | : | Amjad Ali Howlader |
Mother's Name | : | Momenun Nessa |
Present Position | : | Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research and Development) Professor and Course Supervisor Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Shahbag, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh. |
Date of Birth | : | September 12, 1964 |
Gender | : | Male |
Marital Status | : | Married |
Nationality | : | Bangladeshi By Birth |
Religion | : | Islam |
Present Adress | : | 105 Siddheswari New Circular Road, Dhaka-1217, Bangladesh |
Permanent Address | : | 105 Siddheswari New Circular Road, Dhaka-1217, Bangladesh |
Spouse | : | Suraya Akter |
NID NO | : | 6874221184 |
Telephone | : | PABX: 4979, Fax: +88-0255165606 |
Mobile | : | 01715-821838, 01732-642442 |
Mail Address | : | provc_rnd@bsmmu.edu.bd, howladermr@yahoo.com |
Employment History/ Service History
Designation | Name of The Institution |
Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research & Development) | Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Dhaka |
Syndicate Member | Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Dhaka |
Professor of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics | Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Dhaka |
Associate Professor of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics | Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Dhaka |
Assistant Professor of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics | Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Dhaka |
Co-Chairman, Faculty of Dentistry | Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons (BCPS) |
Assistant Professor | Sir Salimullah Medical College, Dhaka |
Assistant Professor | Dental Unit of Chittagong Medical College, Chittagong |
Head of the Dental Unit | Sir Salimullah Medical College, Dhaka |
Lecturer | Dhaka Dental College, Dhaka |
Elected Treasurer | Viqarunnisa Noon School and College, Dhaka. |
Assistant Dental Surgeon in Health Cadre through 13th BCS. | Bangladesh Public Service Commission (BPSC). The Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh |
Educational Qualification:
Degree | Institution | Board/University | Class/Division | Passing Year |
S.S.C | Dhaka Board | 1st | 1981 | |
H.S.C | Notre Dame College | Dhaka Board | 1st | 1983 |
B.D.S | Dhaka Dental College | Dhaka University | Passed | 1989 |
D.D.S (Diploma in Dental Surgery) | IPGM&R | Dhaka University | Passed with 2nd Position | 1994 |
C.M.E Continuin Medical Education | College of General Practitioners of Bangladesh | Passed with 118 Credit Hours of WHO | 1992 | |
F.N.S.T (National Science & Technology Fellowship) | Dhaka Dental College | Ministry of Science and Technology | Owned National Physicians Recognition Award | 1993 |
FCPS (Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics) | BCPS | Passed First Fellow of Dental Surgery | July 2003 | |
MS (Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics) | BSMMU | Passed with 1st Position and Honours | January 2004 | |
FDSRCPS (UK) | Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, UK | University of Glasgow, UK | Dental Surgery | November 2021 |
List of Publication:
1. Bangladesh National Formulary (BDNF) - Dental Practitioners Formulary. 1 st Edi. Dec. 2001, 2nd Edi. Dec. 2003, 3 rd Edi. Feb. 2006, 4th Edi. March 2015, ISSN 1683-1314 Published by- Drug Administration & World Health Organization (WHO), Ministry of Health & Family welfare, Govt. of the people's Republic of Bangladesh.
2. Oral & Dental Health Care. 1 st Edi. Nov.1998, 2nd Edi. Feb.2010, Dhaka. ISBN 984-31-03356. Published by- Chowkosh publication, Fakirapool Dhaka.
3. Mother & Children’s Dental Care 1 st Edi. Feb. 2012, ISBN 984 70190-0009-6. Published by- Monon publishers, Bangla Bazar, Dhaka.
4. Systemic Diseases from Dental disease. 1 st Edi. Feb. 2013, ISBN 984 70190-010-7. Published by- Peace Publication, Bangla Bazar, Dhaka.
5. Dental Health Care of Medically Compromised Patients. 1 st Edi. Feb. 2014, ISBN 984 70190-011-8. Published by- Peace publication, Bangla Bazar, Dhaka.
6. MOUKH O DATER SWASTIHA PARICHARJA (A collection of 41 articles regarding different aspect of dentistry, mostly children & preventive Dentistry with Endodontics and Periodontics) Published: November 1998, Dhaka. ISBN 984-31-0335-6.
Scientific Articles Published in Bangladesh Medical & Dental Council (BMDC)
Recognized Journals:
1. Regenerative Endodontics: A Bright Vision with Broad Mission. Bangladesh Journal of Endodontics, Vol. 04 No. 01 January 2019.
2. Fusobacterium Nucleatum and Adverse Pregnancy outcome. BJE, Vol. 03, No. 02 July 2018.
3. Creutzfeldt- Jakob disease (CJD) - a fatal risk in Endodontic treatment. BJE, Vol. 03, No. 01, January 2018.
4. Antimicrobial Activity of Bioceramic-based Root Canal Sealers. BJE, Vol. 02, NO. 02, July 2017.
5. Saliva as a diagnostic tool. BJE Vol. 02, No. 01, January 2017.
6. Relationship between Periodontitis and Cardiovascular Disease. BJE, Vol. 01, No. 02, July 2016.
7. Dental Implications of Helicobacter pylori. BJE, Vol. 01, No. 01 January 2016.
8. Dentistry: Bangladesh perspective, Miles to go before sleep. J. Oral Health Vol. 05, No. 01, April 1999.
9. School Oral Health education – An integral part of our social commitment (BDJ Vol. 15, No. 1, 2000) 10. The challenge of 21st Century in Dentistry (J Oral Health Vol. 4, No. 2, Oct 1998)
Scientific Presentation in International & National Seminars:
1. 9th International surgical congress & SAARC surgical congress Dec. 03- 06, 2004, Bangladesh- China Friendship conference centre, Dhaka: Cosmetic Dental Surgery can change your Smile & Beauty.
2. Join Conference 2008-BCFCC and BCPS organized by BCPS and CPSP (Pakistan) Oct. 20-23, 2008: LASER in Cosmetic and Aesthetic and Dentistry.
3. Recent development in oral health- Bangladesh perspective organized by Bangladesh Dental Health Research Foundation (BDHRF) Sept. 6,2006: Non- surgical management in periradicular pathosis.
4. 2nd scientific seminar 2005 – Bangladesh Association of Dental Education and Research (BADER) 29th Dec. 2005: Misdiagnosed extra oral sinus tract.
5. 27th Asia Pacific Dental Congress- 502 Anniversary Asia Pacific Dental Federation 25-29 May, 2005 Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia): LSTR Therapy Non-surgical Endodontic Approach in periradicular pathosis.
6. Join conference 2004- Bangladesh College of Physicians & Surgeons (BCPS) and College of Physicians & Surgreons Pakistan (CPSP) 7-9 March 2004, Karachi (Pakistan): oral Manifestation of systemic Disease- a diagnostic approach.
7. International Dental Seminar on Current Concept of Modern Dentistry Jointly organized by Bangladesh Dental Society & Bangladesh Dental Association of North America 4th January 2006: Recent Advancement of Dentistry in Bangladesh.
8. 3 rd National & International scientific conference- BAPMRCON 2004- Bangladesh Asso. of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Oct. 5-6, 2004: Diagnostic Aspect of Oro facial & Dental Pain.
9. 2nd National 1 st International conference on Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons (BAMOS) 3 rd-5th Sept. 2004: Misdiagnosed Endodontic Periradicular Lesions and Recent Concept of Apisectomy in Endodontics.
10. 3 rd National Seminar on Maxillofacial Surgery (BAMOS) 3 rd-5th Nov. 2005: Autogenous Tooth Transplantation from ectopic position.
11. 8th Annual Dental Conference of Nepal Dental Association Sept. 2, 2006, Kathmandu (Nepal): Endodontic Management of periradicular Pathosis – A Clinical & Radiological Evaluation.
12. National congress and Scientific Seminar-by Bangladesh Dental Society Feb. 13, 2006: A Non-Surgical Management of Periradicular Pathosis.
13. 1 st International CADE (Continuing Dental Education) program of BDHRF & 2nd Regional CDE (Continuing Dental Education) program od SAAAD 30-31 May, 2007: Recent Advancement in Dentistry.
14. 3 rd National Seminar on Oro- Dental Infections Related to Systemic Disease -by Bangladesh – Dental Health Research Foundation (BDHRF) 18th Nov. 2007, Bangladesh – China Friendship Conference Centre, Dhaka: Bad Oral health affects general health.
15. Inaugural Session & scientific Seminar on Dental implants (Frist in Bangladesh) – Dental Implants and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Centre, Dhaka.
16. CPD Program of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeon (BCPS) 10 May, 2004: Systemic Implications of Oral & Dental Infections – Recent Views.
17. Workshop on dental implants – by Dept. of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, BSM Medical University, Dhaka Sept. 12, 2009: Dental Implants – the Solution of tooth loss.
18. Weekly Seminar on Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART): Recent Views – by Dept. Of conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, Faculty of Dentistry BMM Medical university 4 April, 2003.
19. Monthly seminar on multidisciplinary Approach – by University Seminar Department, June 2008: Endodontic outcome effect of Diabetes Mellitus, BSMMU.
20. International Symposium 2008- Standard Dental Supplies- January 2008, Bashundhara Convention Centre: Dentistry- Recent Global Concept 7 Bangladesh Perspective.
21. International Seminar on Cosmetic and Aesthetic Dentistry-by Bangladesh Dental health Research Foundation (BDHRF) 27 July, 2008 Bangladesh – China Friendship Conference Centre, Dhaka, Bangladesh: Cosmetic Dental Surgery can change your smile & Beauty.
22. International Seminar on Current Concept of modern Dentistry-by Pioneer Dental College, City Dental College 4th January, 2010: Dental problem- a risk factor for systemic illness.
23. National Dental Seminar & symposium in Bangladesh – by Dhaka Dental College -1999: Fluoride in tooth paste – Horns of dilemma.
24. Annual scientific seminar 1998 by oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Dept. Dhaka Dental College: medically compromised patients in Dentistry-an over view.
25. Bi- annual seminar 1997- by Dept. of Children Preventive & community Dentistry, Dhaka Dental College: Oro-facial pain diagnosis in child patients.
26. Bi- annual seminar 1998- by Dept. of Children Preventive & community Dentistry, Dhaka Dental College: Use of calcium in clinical Dentistry.
27. Annual Seminar 1996- by Dept. of periodontology, oral medicine & oral pathology, Dhaka Dental College: oral Antisepsis – Review of Povidone Iodine.
28. 2nd National & 1 st International Dental Conference-by Bangladesh Private dental surgeons Association, Feb. 2001,: Acid –etch Technique Multidisciplinary approach in pedodontics.
29. National Seminar 2006- by Shandhani International Eye Donation society, Dhaka Dental College: prevention of transmission of Hepatitis-B Virus in Dental operatory.
30. 1 st National seminar – by Bangladesh Endodontic society 11 th March 2006, Milon Hall BSMMU Dhaka: Dental Implications of Hepatitis-C virus.
31. National CDE program 2008- by Dental Unit Chattogram Medical College and Bangladesh Dental society: Influences of Dental infections on systemic illness.
32. National CDE program 2009- by Sylhet MAG Osmani Medical College and Bangladesh Dental society: Dental infection and systemic illnesswhat is the connection.
33. Ph.D Thesis protocol presentation program-by Dept. of conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, BSMMU, Dhaka-11 Feb.2009, Microbiology & Immunology Dept.: Role of periodontal disease as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
34. Chairman and keynote speaker of International scientific seminar of Global Dental Foundation (GDF), at Intercontinental Dhaka, 15 Nov. 2019.
35. Keynote speaker on Round Table discussion and Meet the Press of Global Dental Foundation (GDF) -Dentistry awareness building regarding COVID-19, National Press-Club Dhaka, March 13,2020.
36. Speaker in National Endodontic Conference NEC 2019 KIB, Dhaka 21 -22 Nov. 2019: Stem cell Therapy in Regenerative Endodontics.
37. Keynote speaker- 1 st International Endodontic Congress at Radission Blue Garden Dhaka, April 12, 2018: Endo-Esthetic Challenges in MICD.
38. Chairman, scientific session 9th International Dental Congress and Dental Expo. 1 st&2nd Feb. 2019 at Intercontinental Dhaka by Bangladesh Academy of Dentistry International (BADI).
39. Keynote speaker- Endodontic Micro flora in Diabetes by Bangladesh Federation of Dental science (BFDS) at BIRDEM Auditorium, Dhaka March 2017.
40. Scientific session Chairman, 1 st International Dental Conference & Trade fair 20-21 Sep. 2018. Hotel the Cox Today, Cox’s Bazar Bangladesh.
41. Scientific session Chairman, 2nd International Dental Conference & Trade Fair 4th Oct. 2019 KIB Complex, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
42. Session Chairman on 6th International Dental Congress & Trade Fair at KIB Auditorium Dhaka 22-23 January 2016 of Bangladesh Academy of Dentistry International (BADI).
43. Session Chairperson, 10th International Dental Congress & Dental Expo at intercontinental Dhaka, 30th-31 th Jan.2020. Bangladesh Academy of Dentistry International (BADI).
44. Speaker- Digital Poster Presentation: Esthetic correction of anterior Tooth fracture-Asian Congress of Aesthetic Dentistry 12-16 Nov. 2016 at Bangkok, Thailand.
45. Country Representative, DAMA- Dental Aesthetic Meeting Asia at Singapore 12-16 Nov. 2018.
46. Country Representative on World Dental Congress of Greater New York 2016. 1-6 Dec. Manhatan, New York, (USA).
47. Country delegate-Asia Pacific Endodontic Congress (APEC) at Istanbul, Turkey 24-27 April, 2019.
48. Country delegate-Online World Endodontic Congress 2020-2021 at Chenni, India, 23-26 Oct. 2020.
49. Country delegate-Asia Pacific Endodontic Congress (APEC) at Taipee, Taiwan 24-27 Aug, 2023.
50. Chairman, Organizing committee APEC 2025 Dhaka, Feb 14-16, 2025, Intercontinental, Dhaka, Bangladesh
No. | Publications | Time of Publication |
1 | Original Article, Incidence of Endodontic Flare-up in Diabetic and Normal Individual: A 100-case study Chowdhury SS*, Howlader MR, karim AA, Quader SM Updat Dent. Coll .j .Volume: 9, Issue-2 October, 2019 | October,2019 |
2 | Original Article Compressive Strength of Direct Tooth Colored Restorative Materials S M Abdul Quader, M. Shamsul Alam, A Asgor Moral, M R Howlader, S Sultana Chowdhury. Fahd A.A. Karim Updat Dent. Coll.j Volume: 9, Issue-2 October, 2019 | October,2019 |
3 | Case Presentation, A18 year old male with radix entomolaris -A case presentation SageerAhmed,Govind Kumar Chaudhary,MozammalHossain,Md. Mujibur Rahman HowladerMd. JoynalAbdin,Md. Ali AsgorMoral,Md Shamsul AlamOctober 2019 ,Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Journal 12(3):150-153 | October,2019 |
4 | Case Presentation, A 22yearoldmale with pain and tooth surface loss on multiple teeth- A case presentation SageerAhmed,SheguftaTabassum,MozammalHossain,Md.Mujibur Rahman Howlader,Md. JoynalAbdin,Md ShamsulAlam March 2019, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Journal 12(1):39 | March, 2019 |
5 | Case Presentation, A 16 year old boy with chronic discharging sinus on upper left lateral incisor tooth- A case presentation Ridwana Kawsar,MozammalHossain,Md. Mujibur Rahman Howlader,Mir Md. MofazzalHossain,Md. JoynalAbdin,Md Shamsul AlamMarch,2019, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Journal 12(1):45-49, | March, 2019 |
6 | Original Article, Management of tooth discoloration by walking bleach technique Farzana Hoque Tanmi,MozammalHossain,Md. Mujibur Rahman Howlader,Md. JoynalAbdin,Md Shamsul Alam,Mohammad Ali l Asgor Moral November 2017,Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Journal 10(4):234 | November,2017 |
7 | Original Article, Comparison between one-step self-etch adhesive and along withadditional hydrophobic layer in the retention of giomer at non-carious cervical lesion Sultana Parveen,Mozammal Hossain,Md. MujiburRahman Howlader,Md Helal Sheikh, Md Shamsul Alam, Mohammad Ali Asgor Moral September 2017Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University Journal 10(3):140 | September,2017 |
8 | Case Presentation, Esthetic problem with dysfunction of temporomandibular joint Hasan Ali, Md. Mujibur Rahman Howlader, Mozammal Hossain, Md. Joynal Abdin, Md. Shamsul Alam and Mohammd Ali Asgor Moral Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University j 2017, 10:151-56 | September,2017 |
9 | Original Article, A comparative study for the management of peri-radicular pathosis by conventional root canal therapy and non-instrumental endodontic therapy M R Howlader 1, T A Zannat, S S Chowdhury, M A Hussain Mymensingh Med J. 2017 Jan;26(1):154-158 | January,2017 |
10 | Case Presentation, Reattachment of fractured anterior tooth fragment: An approach in endo esthetic view Rafeza Sultana, Md. Mujibur Rahman Howlader, Md. Shamsul Alam, Md. Ali Asgor Moral and Khaleda Akter BSMMU J ;9:113-116 | August,2016 |
11 | Case Report, Complex endodontic treatment of Dens Invaginatustype III in maxillary lateral incisor: Reports of two cases Nazneen R, Joshi R, Hasan S, Howlader MMR, Alam MS Birdem Med J 2015; 5(2): 111-105 | June,2016 |
12 | Original Article, Antimicrobial efficacy of Mineral Trioxide Aggregate against therapy resistant endodontic microorganism MLA BANU, AKM BASHAR, MR HOWLADER, MS ALAM, MA HUSSAIN Journal of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons Vol. 33, No. 3, July 2015 | June, 2016 |
13 | Case presentation, Aesthetic implant: A new era of aesthetic dentistry Md. Mujibur Rahman Howlader, Tahmina Tamanna, Md. Abdul Hannan Sheikh, Rozina Akter, Tohfa-A- Zannat, Siddiqullah, Md. Shamsul Alam, Md. Ali Asgor Moral Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medica journal vol9No3 (2016) | June, 2016 |
14 | Original Article, Prophylactic use of Cephradine in dental practice: A observational study in Bangladesh CM Jan, MH Sattar, MR Howlader, K Pervin Bangladesh Journal of Research and Education Vol 5 No2(2015) | August, 2015 |
15 | Original Article, Endodontic management of symptomatic pulpal pathosis by single visit root canal therapy Howlader MR1,ChowdhurySS,RahmanM,HossainA,Zannat TAMymensingh Medical Journal : MMJ, 01 Apr 2014, 23(2):321-328 | April,2014 |
16 | Case Report, Management of subgingivally fractured central incisor by Re-attachment using a fiber post Mohammad Aminul Islam, Tasnim Wakia , Md. Shamsul Alam , Md. Mujibur Rahman, Howlader, Shamima AfrozUpdatDent.Coll.j2013;3(1):37-40 | February,2014 |
17 | Original Article, ComparisonofMineralTrioxideAggregateandCalcium Hydroxide as pulpotomy agents in primary molars. Md.FaridUddin,Md.ShamsulAlam,AliAsgorMoral,Md.MujiburRahman Howlader, Md. Ismail Hossain UpdatDent.Coll.j2013;3(1):24-31 | February,2014 |
18 | Case Report, A multi-disciplinary approach for the management of a traumatizedtoothwithcomplicatedcrown-rootfracture:A case report MMRahman,JMahmud,MMRahman,MMRaju,CMJan,MR Howlader, MS Alam BangladeshJournalofDentalResearchandEducation.Vol1No1,2011. | July,2013 |
19 | Case Report,
RetrievalofafracturedinstrumentusingFileBraidingtechnique: Acase report Md.FaridUddin,Md.SamsulAlam,Md.MujiburRahmanHowlader, Ali Azgor Moral Updat Dent. Coll. J 2012; 2(1):25-30 |
February,2013 |
20 | Case Report, ChangingConceptinReattachmentofToothFructure MF Uddin, M Naser, MMR Howlader ,MS Alam, MN Nabi Updat Dent. Coll .j 2012; 2(2):42-46 | 2012 |
21 | OriginalArticle, Non-surgical management of endodontic periradicular pathosis TahmeenaIshratAhmed,MujiburRahmanHowladerBSMMU J2008; 1(1):22-28 | November,2009 |
22 | CaseReport&Review, Autogenoustoothtransplantationfromectopicposition MMRHowlader,SBegum,DNaulakhJournalofBangladeshCollegeofPhysiciansand surgeons, Vol 24 No 2 (2006) | 2007 |
23 | Original Article, Fluoride Release and Recharge in Direct Tooth Colored Restorative Materials: An Experimental Invitro Study. SMA Quader, MS Alam, MAA Moral, MMR Howlader, SS Chowdhury, A Khan. BJE 2019; 4(1): 11-19 | January, 2019 |
24 | Case Presentation, A 28 - Year -old male with a Discolored tooth S Parveen, MAH Sheikh, D Khatun, MMR Howlader, M Hossain, MS Alam. BJE 2019; 4( 1): 20-24 | January, 2019 |
25 | Case Report, Endodontic Management of Periapical Lesion by the Use OfBioceramic based Root Canal Sealer: A Case Report. MAH Sheikh, FAA Karim, MS Alam, MMR Howlader, S Parveen. BJE 2019; 4(1): 41-44 | January, 2019 |
26 | Case Report, Management of an Endodontic Mishap: Instrument Separation. S Tabassum, NT Jabeen, N Zobaer, MMR Howlader. BJE 2018; 3(2): 84-87 | July 2018 |
27 | Case Report, Management of Calcified Canal in an Endodontic failure case : A case Report. JK Chaudhary, MMR Howlader, S Ahmed, FH Tanmi. BJE 2018 ; 3 (2): 88-91 | July 2018 |
28 | Case Report, Management of Cutaneous Sinus Tract of Endodontic origin: A case report. MAH Sheikh, MS Alam, MMR Howlader, M Naser, K Nahar. BJE 2017; 2(1) : 24-28 | January 2017 |
29 | Case Report , Re- Implantation of avulsed tooth - a case report. K Nahar, MMR Howlader, AA Moral, M Hossain, MA Alim, MAH Sheikh. BJE 2017; 2(1) : 29-32 | January 2017 |
30 | Review Article, oral Considerations in the management of sickle cell disease: a review article. K Nahar, MMR Howlader, MAH SHeikh, WB Kallol. BJE 2017;2(2) : 24-28 | July 2017 |
31 | Case Report, Pulpotomy of Primary molar with MTA - A case report. MAH Sheikh, MS Alam, MMR Howlader, K Nahar, S Parveen. BJE 2017; 2(2) : 29-31 | July 2017 |
32 | Case Report, Management of Root Canal ledge in non-vital permanent molar tooth- A case report. H Ali, MMR Howlader, M Hossain, NJ Akhter, WB Kallol. BJE 2017; 2(2) : 41-44 | July 2017 |
33 | Case Report, Management of Middle Mesial Canal in mandibular Second molar - A case report . MAH Sheikh, TB Badsha, MMR Howlader. BJE 2018;3(1) : 34-36 | January 2018 |
34 | Case Report, Orthodontic extrusion of fractured central incisor before restoration : A case report. MF Uddin, MS Islam, SS Beauty, MMR Howlader, MS Alam, BR Nath. BJE 2016; 1(2): 71-77 | July 2016 |
35 | Case Report, Endodontic Management of Regional Odonto dysplasia by portland cement plugging. K Nahar, MMR Howlader, AA Moral, K Akter, M Hoaasin, MAH Sheikh. BJE 2016; 1(1): 29-33 | January 2016 |
36 | Case Report, Re-treatment of a 3-Rooted Mandibular First Molar( RadixEntomolaris)-A Case Report. BJE 2016; 1(1) : 36-39 | January 2016 |
37 | Original Article, Prevalence of periodontal disease among children and its related factors: preliminary study for a prevalence program (J. Oral Health Vol.4 No. 01 April 1998) | April 1998 |
38 | Review Article, Bone Morphogenetic protein: New concept in osteogenesis (Bangladesh Dental Journal Vol. 12, No. 01 1998) | 1998 |
39 | Original Article, Evaluation of gingival Health status during pregnancy in Bangladeshi Community ( J. Oral Health Vol.2, No. 01, 1998). | 1998 |
40 | Review Article, Use of Calcium in Clinical Dentistry (J. Oral Health Vol. 4 No. 2, Oct. 1998 | October 1998 |
41 | Review article, Cavernous sinus thrombosis: A systemic manifestation of oral and prei oral infection ( J. Oral Health Vol. 2 ~April 1996. ) | April 1996 |
42 | Review article, Oro- Facial pain Diagnosis in children (J. Oral Health Vol.4, No, 2 Oct. 1998) | October 1998 |
43 | Case Report, PDL space injection VS post extraction complication – A Case Report (Bangladesh Dental Journal Vol.13, No.01 1997). | 1997 |
44 | Review Article, Medically compromised patients in Dentistry: An over view (J. Oral Health Vol.5No.1 April 1999). | April 1999 |
45 | Original Article, Bacteriological Analysis and Radiological evaluation of Endodontically treated pulpless young permanent teeth( BDJ Vol. 14, No. 014 1999)- A comparative study. | 1999 |
46 | Review Article, Oral Antisepsis : Review of Povidone- Iodine (BDJ. Vol. 15, No. 01, 2000 | 2000 |
47 | Review Article, Fluride in Tooth paste : Horns of dilemma ( Proceedings in the National Seminar & symposium in Dentistry Bangladesh) 1999 | 1999 |
48 | Review Article, Acid-etch technique : A multidisciplinary approach in pedodontics ( proceedings in 2nd National and 1st International Dental Conference at Dhaka Feb. 2001). | February 2001 |
49 | Case Report , Misdiagnosed extra- oral sinus tract (Bangladesh Dental JournalVol.18, No. 1-2, 2002). | 2002 |
50 | Original Article, Endodontic therapy fo traumatized incisors with Fractured crown and transverse intra- alveolar root fracture (Bangladesh Dental journal Vol. 18, No. 1-2, 2002 | 2002 |
51 | Original Article, Antimicrobial efficacy of calcium Hydroxide- chlorhexidine paste against Enterococcus facealis : in vitro study ( Bangladesh Dental Journal Vol. 21, No. 1-2, 2005). | 2005 |
52 | Review Article, Transmission of Hepatitis- B virus in Dental operatory ( Bangladesh Dental J Vol. 21 , No. 1-2, 2005. | 2005 |
53 | Original Article Rationale and Recommendations for Anticipatory Guidance in Inflat Oral Health : Part _I ( Bangladesh Endodontic journal Vol. 1, No. 1, January 2006). | January 2006 |
54 | Case Report & Review, Autogenous Tooth Transplantation from Ectopic Position: A case report and Review of literature ( J. Bangladesh college of Physicians and Surgeons vol. 24, No. 2, 2006). | 2006 |
55 | Original Article, Study on Atraumatic Restorative Treatment (ART) on Primary and Permanent Teeth (Bangladesh Dental J. Vol. No. 1-2, 2006. | 2006 |
56 | Original Article, Non-surgical Management of Endodontic Periradicular pathosis – A Clinical Research (BSMMU Journal vol.1, Issue-1, july 2008). | July 2008 |
57 | Review Article, Systemic Implications of Oral and Dental disease : Recent Views ( the Recent Dentistry in Bangladesh, updated annual scientific publication- Vol. 01, June 2005). | June 2005 |
58 | Case Report, Complex Endodontic Treatment of Dens Invaginatus Type- III in Maxillary Lateral Incisor – Report of two cases (J. BCPS Vol. 28, No. 2 May, 2010) | May 2010 |
59 | Original Article, Efficacy of Zine Oxide- Eugenol and calcium hydroxide containing root canal sealers in the management of Endodontic periradicular pathosis – a clinical and Radiological study ( Bangladesh Dental J. Vol. 22, No. 1-2, 2006). | 2006 |
60 | Case Report, Management of a separated instrument in a Root canal : 2 case reports ( Bangladesh Dental J VOL.22, No. 1-2, 2006). | 2006 |
61 | Case Report, Re-implantation of Accidentally Avulsed Tooth : A case report ( J. BCPS, Vol. 28, No.2-2, Sept. 2010). | September 2010 |
62 | Original Article, Hepatitis –C Prevalence Survey (HPS) among the out patients in Dental Faculty –a screening program for prevention of cross infection ( J.BSSMU,Vol. 4 issue-1, January 2010). | January 2010 |
63 | Original Article, Prevalence of medically compromised condition among dental patients needed endodontic treatment: A 12years cross-sectional observational study of 3431 cases in Bangladesh. Howlader MR1 Zannat TA2 Major WB kallol3 Hussain I4 Islam L5 Islam R6 BJE Vol.04, No. 02, July 2019.(in press) | July 2019 |
64 | Original Article, Risk on endodontic treatment outcome due to systemic illness: A 12 years observational study in Bangladesh. Howlader MR1 Zannat TA2 Major WB kallol3 Hussain I4 Islam L5 Islam R6 BJE Vol.05, No. 01, January 2020.(in press) | January 2020 |
65 | Original Article, Endodontic views in medically compromised patients: A 12 years observational study of 3431 cases in Bangladesh. Howlader MR1 Zannat TA2 Major WB kallol3 Hussain I4 Islam L5 Islam R6 BJE Vol.05, No. 02, July 2020.(in press) | July 2020 |
Academic Activities in BCPS:
I. First Fellow of BCPS In Dental Surgery:
II. Member of the Faculty of Surgery including Dental Surgery of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons (BCPS).
III. Hall Supervisor in FCPS Part-1 written examination of BCPS.
IV. Member of the Curriculum Review Committee of Fellowship Courses examination in Dental Surgery of BCPS.
V. Resource person in the workshop /meeting of various modifications of Fellowship examinations (OSPE/OSCE System)
VI. Speaker in continuing professional Development program of BCPS in Dental Surgery.
Guest Teacher:
(a) College of General Practitioners of Bangladesh in Fellowship course (FCGP) since Oct. 1995.
(b) Institute of Health Technologist Dhaka (Govt.) in Medical Technologist.
(c) Pioneer Dental College, Dhaka in children Dentistry with Endodontics & Periodontics since June 1999.
(d) University Dental College Dhaka in children Dentistry with Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics since Jan. 2001.
(e) In M.C.P.S preparatory course of Family Medicine (Dental Surgery) Conducted by Bangladesh Institute of Community Health & Research.
(a) BDS Final professional examination, pediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Dhaka.
(b) BDS Final Professional examination in conservative Dentistry with Endodontics & Periodontics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Chittagong
(c) Medical Technologist (Dental) Final part examination state Medical Faculty, Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council.
(d) FCPS Examinations in Dentistry, Bangladesh College of Physicians & Surgeons (BCPS). (e) MS Examination in Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics of BSMMU (+) MCPS Examination of BCPS in Dental Surgery.
i. 18 Scientific articles published in Journal recognized by Bangladesh Medical and DentalCouncil.
ii. Moukh O Dater Sastha Paricharja(A book in Bengali written by me) ISBN-984-31-0335- 6.
iii. 322 Articles published in different National Daily Newspapers and Health Magazines in Bengali regarding different fields of Dentistry.
iv. Bangladesh National Formulary (BDNF) Dental practitioners Formulary Dec. 2001. Ministry of Health & Family welfare Bangladesh & Second edi. Dec, 2003; 3rd edi. Feb.2006.
Speaker In 47 National and 6 International Conference regarding various Dental Surgery in Pakistan, India, Nepal, Malaysia etc. aspects of Dental Surgery in Pakistan, India, Nepal, Malaysia etc.
List of publication in Bangladesh Medical and dental council (BMDC)recognized Journal:
i) Prevalence of periodontal disease among children and its related factors Preliminary study for a preventive program (J.Oral Health Vol.4, No.1, April 1998).
ii) Bone Morphogenetic protein: New concept in osteogenesis (Bangladesh Dental Journal Vol.12 No. 1, 1998)
iii) Evaluation of gingival Health status during pregnancy in Bangladeshi community (J.Oral Health Vol. 2, Oct, 1998).
iv) Use of Calcium in clinical Dentistry (J. Oral Health Vol. 4, No. 2, Oct 1998).
v) Cavernous sinus thrombosis: A Systemic manifestation of Oral & Perioral infections (J. Oral Health Vol.2, April 1996).
vi) Oro-Facial pain Diagnosis in children (J. Oral Health Vol.4, No.2, Oct 1998)
vii) PDL space injection VS post extraction complication -A Case Report (Bangladesh Dental Journal Vol.13, No.1 1997)
viii) Medically compromised patients in Dentistry: An over view (J. Oral Health Vol. 5, No.1 April 1999).
ix) Bacteriological Analysis and Radiological evaluation of Endodontically treated pulpless young permanent teeth (BDJVol.14, No.1 1999) -A comparative study.
x) Dentistry: Bangladesh perspective Miles to go before sleep (J. Oral Health vol. 5, No, 1 April 1999 Editorial).
xi) Oral Antisepsis: Review of povidone- iodine (BDJ.Vol. 15, No.1, 2000).
xii) Fluoride in Toothpaste: Horns of dilemma (Proceedings in the National Seminar & Symposium in Dentistry Bangladesh) 1999.
xiii) Acid-etch technique: A multidisciplinary approach in pedodontics (proceedings in 2nd National and 1st International Dental conference at Dhaka Feb. 2001).
xiv) The Challenge of 21 Century in Dentistry (J. Oral Health Vol.4, No.2, Oct 1998 Editorial).
xi) School Oral Health education-An integral part of our social commitment. (BDJ. Vol. 15, No. 1. 2000 Editorial)
Research Works:
i) A prevalence study of periodontal diseases among the children attended in the outpatient department of Dhaka Dental College & Hospital, A Preliminary study for preventive program of Ministry of Science & Technology Research Fellow ship-1995 under Prof. Kazi MehdihUl Alam, Head of the Dept. of children preventive & community Dentistry, Dhaka Dental College & Hospital.
ii) A community based oral health status (Gingival health) evaluation program among the pregnant women of Bangladesh community under the research program of Ministry of Science and Technology Department of Period ontology & Oral pathology. Dental College & Hospital.
iii) A Comparative study of Single -visit and Multi -visit Endodontics- Evaluation of postoperative pain and long-term prognosis in Symptomatic vital & non-vital tooth- under F.C.P.S. Part-II Thesis of college of physicians and surgeons, in the Dept. of Endodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, BSM Medical University, Dhaka.
iv) A non-surgical approach in the management of Periradicular Pathosis by Conventional RCT and LSTR therapy- A comparative study in the department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, BSM Medical University, Dhaka for MS thesis.
v) Single visit Root canal Therapy by convectional and protaper instrumentation- on going research under BCPS grants,
vi) Base line survey on prevelance of hepatitis-C virus infection among the dental patients in the dental Faculty, BSMMU.
Editorial Job:
- 1. Editor: Bangladesh Dental Journal an official publication of Bangladesh Dental Society- Published: bi-annually since 1996.
- Bangladesh Medical & Dental Council.
- Bangladesh Public Service Commission (Govt.)
- 2. Editor:Journal of Oral Health an official publication of Dhaka Dental College Teachers Association.
Published: bi-annually (April & October).
- Bangladesh Medical Dental Council.
- Bangladesh Public Service.
- 3. Chief Editor: Bangladesh Endodontic Journal- an official publication of Bangladesh Endodontic Society (BES).
- 4. Editorial Board Member: Journal of Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons (BCPS).
- 5. Editor: Online Journal of Dental and Oral Health (OJDOH)
Academic Activities in BCPS:
i) First Fellow of BCPS In Dental Surgery:
ii) Member of the Faculty of Surgery including Dental Surgery of Bangladesh College ofPhysicians and Surgeons (BCPS).
iii) Hall Supervisor in FCPS Part-1 written examination of BCPS.
iv) Member of the Curriculum Review Committee of Fellowship Courses examination in Dental Surgery of BCPS.
v) Resource person in the workshop/meeting of various modifications of Fellowship examinations (OSPE/OSCE System)
vi) Speaker in continuing professional Development program of BCPS in Dental Surgery.
vii) Question setter in the Fellowship examination (FCPS-Part-1) of various subjects in Dental Surgery.
viii) Clinical Organizer and observer in membership examination (MCPS) in Dental Surgery.
ix) Speaker in joint Conference between BCPS and Pakistan College of Physician & Surgeons at Karachi, Pakistan.
x) Course co-ordinator-weekend course of Dentistry, BCPS.
xi) Question moderator for FCPS & MCPS in different dental subjects under BCPS fellowship examination.
Extra Curriculum Activities:
i) Secretary press and publication, Div. of Dhaka Dental College Teacher's Association
ii) Ixsasure. Implementation Committee of school Oral Health care program of DDCH rum by Dept. of preventive dentistry and WHO.
iii) Advisor, Shandhani Dhaka Dental College Unit (A voluntary organization run by the Medical and Dental student to help the distress people).
iv) Executive Member, National Eve Donation Society andShandhani International Eve Bank (Bangladesh) for posthumous Eye Donation and cornea grating of the helpless blind children.
v) President. Post-graduate Dental Student's Forum Faculty of Dentistry, BSM Medical University (A Non-Political, non-Sectarian, voluntary organization of DDS, MDS, FCPS students)
vi) Founder President, Bangladesh Dental Health Research Foundation (BDHRF)
vii) Advisor, Asia-Pacific Health Organization, (APHOB) Bangladesh.
Social Activities:
i. General Secretary, Siddheswari House Owners Welfare Society, Dhaka.
ii. Link person and active member of 13th BCS Forum (Bangladesh Civil Service).
iii. Member-Notre Dame College Alumni Association (Welfare Organization of Ex- Student of Notre Dame College, Dhaka.
iv. Active Member Bangladesh Dental Society and Bangladesh Dental Surgeons Association.
v. Joint Secretary- Bangladesh Endodontic Society.
vi. Treasurer-13th BCS Forum (Bangladesh Civil Service Association).
vii. Member, Governing body, Viqarun Nissa Noon school, Dhaka.
viii. Country Representative South Asia Academy of Asthetic Dentistry (SAAAD)
ix. President, Bangladesh Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry (BAAD)
Academic activities in BSM Medical University:
1. Lecture classes in oral pathology, oral Medicine for MS part-1 students of conservativeDentistry & Endodontics prosthodontics, oral &maxillofacial surgery.
2. Lecture classes for Diploma (DDS) students’ part-1 in oral physiology.
3. Lecture classes for FCPS-ii students of conservative Dentistry & endodontics.
4. Lecture classes for MS-Final part student of conservative Dentistry & Endodontics.
5. Lecture classes for FCPS & MS Thesis part student of conservative Dentistry&Endodontics in Biostatistics & Research Methodology.
6. clinical demonstration, training monitoring & Log book Follow-up for FCPS,MS,DDS clinical student in conservative Dentistry & Endodontics
7. supervise MS thesis work, FCPS Dissertation works under direct supervision inconservative Dentistry & Endodontics.
8. supervise-weekly seminar presentation, clinical case presentation, Journal clubdiscussion by the MS, FCPS students of conservative Dentistry & Endodontics.
9. Questions setting. Moderation of question papers in MS,DDS,FCPS primary and final examination.
Teaching experiences: 28 years
Position Hold |
Institution |
Period |
Lecturer |
Dhaka Dental College, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh |
23 June 1996 – 30 June 1999 |
Assistant Professor |
Chittagong Medical College Dental Unit, Chittagong University. |
01 July 1999 – 31 Dec 2000. |
Assistant Professor and Head of Dept |
Sir Salimullah Medical College Dental Unit. Dhaka University. |
01 January 2000 – 31 Dec 2000. |
Assistant Professor |
Faculty of Dentistry, Bangabandhu Sheik Mujib Medical University, Dhaka |
01 January 2001 – 02 Feb 2006 |
Associate Professor |
Dept of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Bangabandhu Sheik Mujib Medical University, Dhaka. |
Since 03 Feb 2006 to Continue. |
Guest Professor |
Pioneer Dental College, Dhaka University. |
Since January2000 to Continue |
Guest Professor |
University Dental College, Dhaka University |
Since January 2001 to Continue |
Guest Professor |
Bangladesh College of General Medical Practitioners, Dhaka University |
Since July 1995 to Continue |
Guest Professor |
Institute of Community Health, Dhaka University. |
January 2003 – 2006 |
a) One-year post-graduate study in Dental Surgery in the Institute of post graduate Medicine & Research, Dhaka (July 93-June 194)
b) One year Research Fellowship program of Ministry of Science & Technology, People's Republic of Bangladesh (Jun 92-May 93) in periodontics.
c) Six months post-graduate training in the Dept. of Period ontology Oral Pathology & Oral Medicine, Dhaka Dental College Hospital.
d) One year Internship training (Whole time & Residential) at Dhaka Dental College Hospital (Jan. 90-Dec91).
e) Working as a joint Co-ordinator, Community Oral Health Program, organization for Social Development & Research (OSDER) since September 1990.
f) Eight years clinical experience at Metropolitan Dental Clinic, Dhaka.
g) Seven years clinical experience at Smile Dental Institutions, Dhaka.
h) Ten years teaching experience in Medical & Dental Institutions, Dhaka.
i) Physician's Recognition Award (1992) of the College of general Practitioners of Bangladesh in CME Course with 58 World Health organization (WHO) Credit hours
j) Physician's Recognition Award (1993) of the college of General practitioners of Bangladesh in the course of family Health & Medicine in Collaboration with Directorate of Health Services & World Health Organization (WHO) Bangladesh with 60 credit hours.
k) 4 years clinical experience in Government Rural Hospital in Thana Health Complex and District Modern Hospitals as Dental surgeon and Consultant.
l) Worked as Lecturer in the Dept. Of Children Preventive & Community Dentistry & Conservative Dentistry with Endodontics & Periodontics of Dhaka Dental College & Hospital, Dhaka, Bangladesh from June 1990 to June 1999.
m) Worked as an Assistant Professor in the Dept. of Children, Preventive & community Dentistry and also in the Dept. of Conservative Dentistry of Dental unit, Medical College, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh from July 1999 to 1999.
n) Worked as an Assistant Professor (Officer in special duties) under F.C.P.S. Part-1 courie (Conservative Dentistry with Endodontics & periodontics) in the Faculty of Dentistry, BSM Medical University, Dhaka from since September 1999, to April 2000.
o) Working as a consultant in the community Oral Health Care & Nutrition program of Organization of Social Development and Research (OSDER, NGO) at Gazaria Thana,Monshigonj Districts since June 1996.
p) Worked as an Assistant Professor and Head, dept. of Dentistry sir Salimullah Medical College, Dhaka from April 2000 to May 2001.
q) Worked as a clinical practitioner in General Dentistry in the evening time at smile Dental Surgery Since 1997.001.
r) Working as an Associate Professor Dept. of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Dhaka since January 2001.
List of the Pro Vice Chancellors (Research & Development)
Sl. No. | Name | From | To |
01. | Professor Dr. Md. Shahidullah Sikder | 25 Mar 2014 | 24 Mar 2017 |
02. | Professor Dr. Md. Shahidullah Sikder | 25 Mar 2017 | 24 Mar 2020 |
03. | Professor Dr. Mohd. Zahid Hussain | 15 April 2020 | 31 December 2022 |
04. | Professor Dr. Md. Moniruzzaman Khan | 01 January 2023 | 18 August 2024 |
05. | Professor Dr. Md. Mujibur Rahman Hawlader | 07 September 2024 | Present |